FloorBotics, Inc., 2910 Hatley Drive, Austin, TX USA P: +1-512-422-6749, E: info@floorbotics.com


FloorBotics™ is looking for a licensing partner who wants to add SaniBot® to their product portfolio and put the robot into production.

FloorBotics, Inc.
2910 Hatley Drive
Austin, Texas USA

Benefits of using SaniBot®

INCREASE YOUR BOTTOM LINE:  SaniBot® can increase profits by attracting more customers to your healthier facility.

EFFECTIVE:  SaniBot® has powerful ultraviolet lights to drastically reduce the germs and viruses that reside on the floor, including coronavirus.  UV-C is a proven technology for destroying pathogens and is recognized by the CDC. It is widely deployed in commercial and government facilities for air and water purification.

SAFE:  SaniBot® does not use cleaning solutions that can be hazardous and cause slip-and-fall situations if not used carefully.

EFFICIENT:  SaniBot® is simple to operate with just a single button for start-stop operation and can disinfect large areas quickly and easily, without the need for human intervention.
